Career and Honors

Beliefs about Counseling and Coaching


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Most Recent Paper:

After Separation: Reflections on the Plight of the Alienated Child

Reflections on the Plight of the Alienated Child

Arthur L. Kovacs, Ph.D.


This paper is devoted to the exploration of the all-too-often turbulence inflicted on children after the parents separate, turbulence that is particularly intense if the separation is marked by anger, bitterness, and attempts to secure comfort and emotional support from the child or children of the family. It is as if a war – cold or hot – is going on, and one or both of the parents want the allegiance and “understanding” of offspring.

In extreme cases, a child or children becomes alienated completely from one of the parents and no longer wishes to have that parent in his or her life. The paper describes the kinds of moves made by parents that can lead to such a consequence. In addition, the article contains suggestions for the alienated parent about behaviors that can begin to soften the alienation and lead to the possibilities of reunification.

To download this paper in pdf form, click here.